System Internetowej Rekrutacji


ULSL Admission System

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001_05.gif {{bladE}}
Clear messages
001_57.gif Registration

Warning, registration in the IRK System is not active at the moment

please select enrollment

If you have Hotmail, outlook email address please change to a different one
Invalid PESEL number
The PESEL number plays a very important role in the IRK. Before proceeding, make sure that it is correct.

The correct date format is: DD-MM-YYYY

The correct date format is: DD-MM-YYYY
The password should be at least 6 characters!
Password is different from the repeated password!
Concerns a doctoral student ID card
I want a student ID card:
Complete the type of the school-leaving exam taken
Type of school-leaving exam certificate:

please select enrolment or configure the types of school-leaving exams

The correct date format is: DD-MM-YYYY
Contact phones: Telephone numbers will facilitate quick contact with the candidate, make sure that the entered numbers are correct
Please provide a phone number with an area code.
In the case of the foreign phone number also with the country code.
Citizenship was not chosen
I'm a foreigner
I am
Principles of studying

Please select the option I agree to join the online enrolment process

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